Dr. Nitoric Jenkins, a Texas native born in Dallas and later moved to northern Louisiana, where he was raised by Helen Wilbert-Jenkins, Grandmother. Dr. Jenkins does not mind being transparent and stands firmly on the promises of God. At one point, during his undergraduate year of college, he became homeless and lived in a homeless shelter and that experience prompted him to create a humanitarian program. As part of his charities, he created a nonprofit program called BE Empowered. A service that was rendered to the homeless in the city of Houston, particularly for residents who were in transitional housing programs.
All capital came from his personal finances, and he admits there were times he needed his money for college expenses. Instead, Dr. Jenkins donated money to the homeless toward quality food, gift cards for hygienic maintenance, direct monetary contributions, and taught free life skill classes that consisted of basic computer skills and software from his laptop. In future, Dr. Jenkins will apply for a 501(c)(3) while campaigning to open an Affordable Living Apartment Community Building, a strategic goal that will help a percentage of people off to a great start.
Takes another look at Humanity from a different perspective.
After going through so many struggles just trying to survive, everything became operational, and I stop enjoying life. One day while riding in my car, I asked God, why am I not happy, why am I not enjoying life, now that the storm’s over? God whispered, “Nitoric, because you are still in survival mode.”
Let go and live.
~Dr. Nitoric Jenkins~
Forgiveness is not about someone walking into a room having the power to change one's demeanor or feelings into a negative state of being, caused by a prior offense. Forgiveness is when the offended can enter a room whether it is to laugh or talk and remember not what has happened nor choose to remember. Forgiveness means another chance, and that comes with no measurement or stipulation attached, other than to move forward. Understanding that forgiveness has been misplaced and misdiagnosed, and that new beginnings mean exactly that new beginnings.
~Dr. Nitoric Jenkins~